Monday, August 15, 2011

Have you heard according to a gallup poll by USA Today that McCain and Palin are in the lead?

I'm so happy! I was weary of McCain's choice in a vice presidental candidate especially after hearing about her teen daughter but the more I really listened to what she had to say and those who know her had to say, the more I think he made a very wise decision! I think she's the reason that McCain is now in the lead. I'm very supportive of our efforts in Iraq and that's one reason why I'm voting for McCain. Another is that he has way more experience than Obama. He really answers questions while Obama kind of skips around them or just says the same things that advisors have taught him to say, he's like a puppet. McCain will also help our country financially and not by raising taxes like Obama would end up doing. Please be nice about any comments. I do not dislike Obama. I think that he's a good family man but he's just not presidential material. It also irks me that everyone makes him out to be black when he is bi-racial and he was raised by his white mother and then his white grandparents.

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