Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Do you have a brother or sister who constantly steals from you?

I'm in my late 30's and my younger brother, 9 yrs younger than me, is now in his late 20's. Just when I thought he'd grown out of it, he turns around and does it again! You see, he has a history of stealing things from our family- a habit that started when he was a teenager. It's always little stuff (things he believes will go unnoticed), but I remember on one occasion in particular he went so far as to steal my wallet and checkbook. The checks were from an old bank account that was closed long before he took it, but it didn't stop him from writing fraudulent checks with them. The debt I had to pay as a result amounted to almost $600, because at the time I had no proof that he had stolen from me- and rather than paying thousands of dollars in attorney fees by going after him...I decided to take care of it myself. He admitted to it about 7 yrs after the incident, but at the time we almost got into a fist fight (I wanted to fight him, but he kept reaching into his backpack telling me not to take another step toward him as he is known to carry unregistered side arms) But that's beside the point. This guy is a natural born sticky fingered douche bag! I do love my brother, but there's something in his brain makes him abandon all regard for other people's stuff! He also thinks he's slick, BUT HE'S NOT! I guess the thing that pisses me off the most is that no matter how petty the item is that he steals, he is willing to go to blows defending his lies (when it's so ******* obvious that he's guilty!) His most recent accomplishment in stealing from me is a roll of quarters over the weekend. Petty, I know, but that's not the point! It's the fact that he just takes things without even asking. And just when I thought he'd grown out of it! It really makes me want to write him off as a family member completely. I mean how else am I to deal with this when it's been happening on and off for years and years? To steal is one thing, but to steal from the people who are going to love you no matter what just goes to show how little respect you have for people (let alone family- the ultimate betrayal). Sooner or later all of his dishonesty will come back and bite him in the *** HARD! Of this I am certain of. He's always in and out of jail for various petty crimes and one of these days he's gonna end up dead or in prison doing a long haul- if he keeps it up (and trust me- he will). Society has a way of dealing with like my brother. I guess I just want to vent my frustration about it with other people who have dealt with similar cirstances. It's not that I'm really looking for a solution, because there isn't one. It's such a shame that I can't even invite him over for a visit without tucking away any little thing of value before he shows up. I mean come on...a roll of quarters man? Really? Are you that ******* desperate? Jesus Christ!

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