Sunday, August 14, 2011

Why do nincompoops believe the church shall be "raptured" prior to the tribulation?

Revelation 7, 20 "These are those who came out of the great tribulation". To come out of means, you must first enter. Revelation, 11, 3. 7. & 12. The two witnesses don't get ruptured until after the 42 months of tribulation. Revelation 13,10. a warning & a call to perseverance on the part of the saints / tribulation. Also, Revelation 14,12. Danial, 11, 33. More wrath for the believers. Danial 12, 10. Many will be purified, made spotless and refined. Danial, 8, 24. "He will destroy mighty men and holy people". This sounds like the work of the anti Christ during the tribulation. Danial, 12, 12. States, to the best of my knowledge, that blessed is the man who makes it through the tribulation. Revelation 13, 7. He was, the Beast, given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them. Can you imagine being killed by a spiritual entity that comes up out of the abyss? It doesn't sound pretty. What are you going to do kill it? Revelation, 13, 15. He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that all who refuse to worship the image to be killed. This is but a few scripture that give insight into the truths of the Christians participation in the tribulation. Why is it that "scholars" such as John Haggie can speak of a rapture prior to the second coming of Christ? Did anyone watch his sermon of the NWO this morning 5-17-09. I heard the term illuminati, illuminated ones. He referenced the symbolism on the back of the dollar bill. But why did he quote such men as Benjamin Franklin, giving praise to his wisdom, men such as G.W.B. and a known "Free" Masons. In closing, why didn't he expose the "Free" Masons for what they are an underworld secret society of Satanists setting up the NWO???

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