Thursday, August 11, 2011

Can evidence presented to the court by request be used against the person who turned over the evidence ?

I was approached by an officer of a State court in Louisiana. I was told that I would be called as a witness for the defense and sequestered from the court room. I was asked to turn over audio recordings to the court so the Prosecutor could listen to them. These audio recordings were of the alledged victim and her conspirator in the false accusation of against a juvenile. The audio recordings clearly proved that these two women were lying and had prepetrated a fraud open the court. I was never called to the stand, and the audio recordings, though listened to by the defense attorney and prosecutor were not used as evidence. The audio recordings were obtained with permission and clearly showed that a conspiracy had been implimented by these two women. Both women got right up on the stand and perjured themselves multiple times. The trial transcript and testimony from other witnesses, proves this without a doubt. The audio recordings just further made the case of fraud against the two women. By their own testimony according to court spectators, it was more than obvious that they were lying. The Judge just ignored the negative DNA test results, the pro defendant report from the Court appointed psychologist clearing the young man from being capable of such a thing. Even the fact that the alledge victim was lying on top there was no other evidence against this young man, and the Judge gave him 5 years in prison, saying that he had a gut feeling he was guilty and that he was the Judge. Well the audio recordings that I turned over under the ruse of being called as a witness and testifying to the findings of my investigation, Were used to charge me with a serious felony of witness intimidation and retaliation. The innocent young man is still in jail and the lying winches who put him there are out enjoy life and walking the streets. Welcome to Louisiana Justice! Now to point out that the defense attorney, the state investigator and the Prosecutor new this young man was innocent but still allowed the Police and Court to convict this young man, for the sake of saving the City a major lawsuit against the bigot detectives that were involved in this young man's arrest. On top of that, the audio recording of two police officers talking on the radio, was played at the trial. The audio recording mentioned that both these officers felt that they might be arresting the wrong suspect, because of the many contradicting statements of the alledged victim made to them at the scene. The arresting detective, never turned any evidence on the case, and carried the alledged victims clothing and other so called evidence that went missing, around in the trunk of his car for four months. This detective was informed just 3 days after his arrest of this young man, about the conspiracy and motive for the false accusation, he never bothered to investigate,and claimed that he had arrested the right suspect. The real criminals here are the ones who are supposed to be protecting the public, not harring the public. When this detective found out that I had gathered information of evidence of his misconduct, that is when he sent his Sheriff friends to my house to threaten me to stop my investigation. 3 months later, I was arrested by these same detectives at my home, based on the audio recordings that I turned over to the court by the request of a court officer the young man's defense attorney indigent defender who obviously not working in the best interest of this young man. The Prosecutor even called one of the Sheriff detectives to trial the same day that I turned the audio recordings over to the court. This Sheriff according to his own words, was called to court , to rebut possible testimony that I would give. However, this Sheriff detective had nothing to do with the arrest or investigation of the charges against this innocent young man. He was only there to intimidate me from testifying, but I was still willing to testify. If is more than apparent, that I was coerced by the court, to incriminate myself by turning over the audio recordings. The Prosecutor had ever intention of filing charges against me, or he would have never called the Sheriff's detective to court to listen to the audio recordings, which the Sheriff's detective sat through the purgered testimony of the alledged victim and her friend. The Sheriff and the Prosector became privy to the knowledge that this victim was indeed lying and did nothing to dismiss the false allegations against this young man. Then they both chose to come after me, for finding out that the arresting detective was indeed a liar and a bigot, who did not conduct himself in a professional and ethical manner. It is amazing how the Police and Prosecutors think that they can get away with such an outright and blantent abuse of their authority and power. All for the sake of self gratification and self promotion in the world of the law inforcement and legal system. Any comments are

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