Sunday, August 14, 2011

Should I care about looks now (just turned 14) Or should I not and focus on school?

Focus on school for right now. You're only 14 when I was 13 I was soo ugly you don't even know.. I had horrible acne, I had buck teeth and my teeth were split. My hair was all dry I had horrible self esteem! As I grew up, I stopped breaking out, I had braces my freshman year and now my teeth are perfect, a lot of guys ask me out and say I'm beautiful. Hey I might sound conceded but it's true. I went from really ugly to a lot better looking now. Of course I still focus on school, school is very important. High school can base off how your life will be. If you do good, you can get into a good college that can get you to an amazing job with lots of money. If you don't care then no colleges will want you, you'll get a bad education and when you apply to jobs they'd rather hire the more educated being. Focus on school right now, you'll grow up and look better. The reason why the age between 12-14 is so bad is because your face is growing into your features. So your nose might look too big now, but your face will grow into it. Same with eyes and your mouth. That's why I hated 6th grade to 9th grade cause I looked HORRIBLE!

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