Thursday, August 18, 2011

Is it worth to wait for someone to whom I love and who on contrary loves someone else and always hurts me?

your wasteing your time.... just move on ! i have learned one thing from my personal experinces some peoples never CHANGE.

Can someone tell me what this dream means?

I would put this question in the dream interpretation section. Being chased means you are feeling emotional pressure from within or running away from your fears.

Why do people take the Da Vinci Code so seriously?

I've never read it. I know it's a novel, but is it written in first person as a "true story" or something?

Is this why the US is getting involved with Venezuela soon?

watch "crude awakening" its good....i agree all evidence of 9/11 SHOULD be made available to the american public. why did they haul off all trade tower debris to another country?....and so many more questions that need answered.

What do I say / ask her?

Im walkin home wiv my ex who is now my girlfriend agen, Ive had bad relationships more thn 10. But wen we walk wat do I ask her cuz im sik of the same Q.As Please help

Does rotational simple harmonic motion occur when there is linear restoring torque?

Rotational simple harmonic motion occurs when there is a linear restoring torque given by Τr=-Kθ, where θ is the angular displacement from equilibrium. The period of the resulting rotational oscillation is given in ogy with T=2π(m/k)^.5 by T=2π(I/K)^.5. How is the equation T=2π(mL/mg)^.5=2π(L/g)^.5 derived by treating the simple pendulum as a rotating system with the suspension point as the pivot. Note that for small angles, sinθ ≈ θ.

Do I need a visa traveling to Sri Lanka from Taiwan?

Hello, I am an Australian holding aussie pport. I want to travel to Sri Lanka in the next month and don't know how to get a visa. Can I get one here in Taiwan or would I have to go back to Australia/Hong Kong or some place else?

Need RB and WR help!?

i hav a very hard decision on which rbs n wrs 2 start. thomas jones has already played n did good. now i hav 4 spots open. RB. RB/WR 2WRS. my other RB r slaton vs colts, mewelde moore vs chargers, hightower vs. seattle, royal vs atl, greg jennings vs. bears, steve smith(carolina) vs detroit (clear pick), n santana moss vs dallas. id rly appreciate ur two cents. thanks

I hav to go through APS RTC Bus to d following address.Pls help me 2 get d destination fm Secunderabad Rly stn?

i am not sure but i think it is "16A". Just go to Uppal bus stop in secunderabad you can get the bus number

Sweet recipe for Atkin's dieter?

I'm trying to work off some pounds with the atkins diet for a while. Does anyone know a recipe for something sweet that's acceptable on this diet?

Do you think Yahoo mkight have misunderstood my question, so deleted it?

You were trolling but yahoo answers don't moderate anything, the idiots here do. BTW, you were lucky not to lose your account, I've lost a few for 'category trolling'

Al Gore's house uses 20x as much energy as yours. His response is that he trades?

credits to allow this. Sounds like hogwash to me. If you are rich you can just trade credits and the whole thing means nothing as far as carbon footprints go. Fly that private jet and preach to the mes. Hipocracy at it's finest. Can someone explain this to me?

Traveling from san diego to seattle wa on a yacht, where can you park and re-fuel?

going from san diego california on a 80+ foot yacht to seattle, max speed of the boat is about 45knots. 2X2400HP engines and a fuel tank about 1300 gallons. Where would i need to stop and how often? Also, once your at the fuel stop, do i have to rent a place to park the boat, do i have to make reservations ahead of time? And, lets say i stop in los angelas for a day or two, how much will that cost to park it and will there be security?

Is "Sunny" von Bulow still in a coma, if so where is she kept?

There really hasn't been much news about her in the last 2 or 3 years. In 2005 she was listed as still being in a vegetative state. She is still in a coma after more than 25 years. She was moved to New York-Presbyterian Hospital in Manhattan, where she remains.

Will a 12 year old like the movie District 9 ?

For christmas i got a Hmv voucher from my sister and i keep seeing trailers of District 9. I am 12 and i think i would love it. Even know its a 15 i am still alowed. Not 18s. I sit boring or action packed and gory

Any Clic movie fans out there and if so-name your 10 favorite films of all time.?

in no order buster keaton the general, metropolis, eraserhead, godjira (godzilla japenese version) un chein andalou, m, alfred hitch I dodn't watch too many old movies because I'm only 13

Syria doesent have an emby in lebanon and vice versa?

whats the deal with that? thats teh best thing they could right now to help the situation this is messed up big time! lebanon has two naighbors and no official diplimatic relations with both of them

I want to get a job, so right now.?

it's never safe sharing personal data on the web. there are ways people can use it for illegal purposes.

403 - forbidden when i try to access 4chan - Am I in trouble?

Help! I accidentally some CP on 4chan recently (it's happened like at least 10 times) and today it says 403 - Forbidden when i try to access :S Does this mean my ISP logged it and has blocked me from entering the site due to lewd behaviour (which i didnt really do it was purely accidental and out of curiousity) i was wondering if they called the feds on me or something :S oh god i'm only 16 i didnt do anything wrong it was all out of curiousity i don't want to get v& :S

Does Phi Beta Lambda really go with FBLA?

My professor says Phi Beta Lambda is the Greek for FBLA. FBLA means Future Business Leaders Of America. I've never heard of the Greek form of FBLA so I have no idea if that was a joke or not. If you find the answer on a website PLEASE put the website down.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I like him, but does he like me?

He sit's by me, hits me back when i hit him. Walks with me, always talks to me. I stay up all night texting him. We talk ALOT. He sits with me in homeroom and at lunch? He always laughs and smiles when hes around? I am not gonna tell I like him because my friend asked him out yesterday and he said Yes, but me and the girl are good friends and we all hang out? It's killing me inside!

Where can i buy a pokemon cosplay costume??!!?

i wanted at least 2 cosplay costumes of two pokemon char. first 1 is Richie (kinda look-a-like ash with his pikachu "sparky") or a team magma costume. if u can plz send me a link to where i can find these. plz and ty

Which American Idol has a bigger fan base?

I totally agree with you: I like Kris, Kris is the sh*t, he is really good, and really talented, Rock'n'roll obviously isn't his strong point...(not to mention Danny's either...), but Kris is a really good artist and can transform music :) i like it SO much ,he is mellow and down to himself, he's my favorite and I hope he stays tonite! I think the biggest fan base is Adam!

Fantasy Baseball Help?

pickup any good pitchers out their,put them in when available and drop them,keep on doing this for a week and see what happens.

How do we close the door on 2007? Y!A prison!?

Oh Michelle, great question. We'll it is really hard to do that in such a short time. One must start this practice long before the end of the year. That is the reason that I have stopped making New Years resolutions. I make goals to improve from the years past. The goals that I will build on this year are: to continue to take better care of my health(fitness, life change healthy eating habits), do more for the needy(helpone family at a time, noy just at Christmas or Thanksgiving), continue to be a fulltime student each semester, add to my meet and greet list, continue to become closer to God, and build my social skills. As the year progress there is always room for change. Doing what make me happy, which doesnt misuse or abuse anyone else, is what I must do in order to get back to my core of happiness. How does one do this? Surround themselves with positive people and environment and make it happen.

Over 200 Years After His Death, Should Billy the Kid Be Pardoned?

I think he was mean because he was so ugly he couldn't get a date. Have you ever seen a picture of his face? I'll bet they had to hang a pork chop around his neck to get the dog to play with him.

Macbeth. I can't understand Elizabethan!?

Are there any versions of Macbeth that aren't in Elizabethan that I can get for free? Any help is much appreciated.


ok so i have a tiny pool of blood under my knee, its half an inch i length, and really thin, and last night it was bruised, today it isnt, what is this? its sunday now 3:00 am and i cant sleep, i have a funny sensation in my- foot and there is NO ER or doctar available until monday. would appreciate some info or advice especially from real doctars or nurses-and if its really try to rephrase it :P

How many Europeans will be supporting England in the world cup final on Saturday?

Nah, that don't mean that if im from Europe i'll support England, actually if i had to go with some1 i would choose South Africa but i really don't care at all about that game...


I would look into having angioplasty 1st. This just may be a shorter fix. But it sounds like he needs more than meds.

What happens to the people forcibly excluded and isolated in school in later life?

Hmm, I was also one of the outcasts in school. But I can only speak for myself, so don't take my answer to be the one that fits everyone, as every person deals with this kind of thing differently. I am personally doing very well for myself. I'm completely comfortable with who I am and I thank the troubles of high school for doing that. I had two choices in high school: either let the jerks get to me and be a depressed loser for the rest of my life, or I could tune out what they thought of me, find my strength and show them exactly what I could do. I chose the latter. I'm at peace with who I am and my decisions, I'm independent, and I'm typically very clear headed about life. I know what I want and I know how I am going to get it. I'm not sure whether that would have happened if I had not been forced to stand on my own in high school. Again, don't take my answer as the be all end all. This was just my personal experience.

College and husband.?

my husband goes to a community college and is about to go to a university next year, i dont worry about those little skanks at all. lmao and neither should you. He told me that one of them ped him a note saying how cute he was HAHAHAHA i laughed my head off. They are immature high school girls, why would he want that when he has a mature woman?

With the oil price like it is, why don't car manufacturers....?

i think its more harmful to the environment then gas/electric, and your forgetting they do have e85 ethanol out there too.


we are trying for a baby for 6 months and last period was jan4 and we had based on ovulation calender,my due was feb7 and i had symptoms like mild cramps,nausea,and am damn sure that this time i would surely get luck but when we tested using checkone feb8 noon it came negative but we found later that the product is oly fro after a week of due then we have tested today noon using check one fast which is to be taken on or after due,,,,but it came back negative,but from yesterday am going to bathroom more times but comes very little urine each very eager to know when to be tested again and by which tester because i live in japan here brand is not much more,,,thanks

What movie to watch tonight?

why not from hell? it's a period piece but it's circled around the jack the ripper murders....starring johnny depp and heather graham. good flick! it is scary tho. you might not be into that sort of thing...

Do i have swine flu or is it just a cold/fever?

i cough alot, and i have some pressure in my ear drums and i am abit dizzy and my foar-head is warm a little bit. do i have swine flu/H1N1?

Bleeding out in the vacuum of space?

Veinous blood is actually very dark red, your skin tone gives it it's bluish tint. If you've donated blood and you see the bag fill up, no O2 is in the blood but it's dark red, as opposed to when you cut yourself the blood exposed to air is bright red.

What is a good specific research topic to write about that relates to phi (the golden ratio)?

I need a good research question into something specific about phi (the golden ratio) that can get 4000 words+. Thanks.

Why is is acceptable to wear pyjamas for a few nights and...?

If you wear your boxers at night you have probably worn them during the day as well, with pjs you only wear them at nights

Who wins this fantasy baseball trade?

Fact is that you don't need this trade. It won't really improve your team. Hanley is the best SS in baseball. You already have Pena for 1B. Your starting outfield is solid. You have two excellent 2B, a great 3B. Beware of a 3 for 1 trade. It's an attempt to make the deal better than it really is. P on this deal. Your bench could use a little more power but unless there are injuries, they won't play anyway. Good team. Bad trade for you.

Where are firewall settings located on my computer?

i have spyware terminator,where is the fire wall for it? im trying to allow wizard 101 to get through

What happened to sirius radio that was on direct tv?

sirius radio radio is ni longer on direct tv instead they offer sonic (which is nowhere as good as siriur radio)

Is this a good trade?

my two rbs are Marion Barber and Forte and i have average wr's, and my qb is McNabb who has done really well so far. should i accept this trade: Mcnabb for (rb) -Portis and (qb) -Kitna

Help with various books?

I'm 14 years old, and i'm very interested with things in History. Such as World War 1, World War 2, the Holocaust, Ellis Island, The Mafia and almost anything from the 1950's. But i cannot find a book for adults/ teenagers that are interesting on these specific subject. And i don't want just litte 40 page books about these subjects i want 100-300 page chapter books with characters and a plot. I'm sorry if i'm asking for a lot but i'm so frustrated and i really would like to start reading.

Art lovers..??

I need an interpretation of this painting: "The Virgin and Child with SS Roch and Sebastian" by Lorenzo Lotto. I need interpretations about the style of painting, lighting, lines, shades, etc.

What happens when you flee the scene of a accident?

A couple of my buddies were sitting on the side of the road and one of them threw a hub cap under a pickup truck and it skidded out and caused a 3 car pile up. Both of my friends left after the driver of the pickup almost kicked the sh*t out of them. I'm pretty sure their description would have been given to the police so if the cops find them what do you think could happen to them? I live in Canada by the way and they're both under 19.

Why is my 1997 Plymouth Neon is making a clicking noise when I drive?

I noticed while I was driving in town and the window was down that my car seemed to be making a clicking noise. The faster I go the louder it gets and the faster it gets. What could be causing this? A friend suggested that I might need to add some oil because it sounds like a valve. Im concerned. Its a 1997 with about 77,000 miles.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Im having an issue regarding childsupport with my exhusband?

My ex husband and i have been seperated for 6 years and divorced for the last 4 years, we have 5 children from a marriage that began 13 years ago. When we were married he was a truck driver who initially made good money but eventually due to his lack of respect for rules and authority kept getting fired. He aculated 11 points on his license making it very hard for him to find a good paying job. This was due to him repeatedly commiting traffic violations. I was in school to become a nurse and worked partime and took care of the children. After years of his infidelity we split up and i moved to my moms house and got my nursing license. We got back together after my graduation and tried to make it work, it was hard because he was unemployed for the most part because he had been involved with several run in with the law a lot of places didnt want to hire him cause he had a record, so i was the sole income source for 3 years, i knew it was hard for him to go from being the one who took care of us to being dependent on me, so i tried to involve him in all financial decisions. He became upset saying he needed his own money and i was being stingy by not giving him anyway, so i decided to give him some money for his own, i gave it to him at 8am by 4pm he was asking for more. We finally broke up for good when he got a good job with the city and used his first paycheck to go to atlantic city and blew it all on a another women. Since our break up he hasnt helped me at all with our children. After trying for 2 years i finally asked the court to help and put him on chld support. He has accrued over $50,000 in back support over the last 4 years, so last year he called me and pleaded that he could not pay child support because he couldnt get a job, because the court had suspended his license and put out a warrant for his arrest for not paying. I felt bad and decided that i would not cancel the cs but put a year hold on the cs so he can get back on his feet. I went to the court and asked the judge to put the childsupport on hold, that was 6 months ago. Since then him and his wife had another child and he has a steady job as a truck driver and he still hasnt given me a dime, he says im a nurse and i should drop the childsupport completley cause i make enough money to care for our children. I am at my wits ends. He calls the kids every couple of months when he wants to see them, i have full custody of them but i have no restrictions to his access to them. Recently i have denied his sporadic visits to them because it cause more hurt for them then anything cause he wont call again for months, I dont want to deny them a father but where do i draw the line and what should i do about the cs, should i drop it for good, i dont ever see me or the kids getting any help

Which good bands are my style?

i'd like to find some more bands and more music i just cleared my Mp3 player of crap i grabbed for no reason and didnt even often listen to them. I'm into Foo Fighter ,Metallica , GodSmack , Creed ,Default ,Avenged Sevenfold,3 Doors Down, 30 seconds to mars, AC-DC, Alice in Chains, Audio Slave, Black label society, Blue Oyster Cult, Bob Dylan,Bone thugs N harmony, Buck Cherry,BFMV, Bush, Cage the Elephant,Candle Box Chris Isaac,Collective Soul, Coolio, Crossfade,Days of the New,Deftones,Disturbed, Duncan Sheik, Earshot, Eazy-E,Eric Clapon, Eric Serra, Evanescence,Santana,The Fray,Fuel, Goo Goo Dolls,Gorillaz,Green Day, Guns N Roses, Hollywood Undead, Hoobastank, Hootie& the blowfish, Ice Cube, Incubus, Jaya, Jimi Hendrix,Keith Sweat, Kenny Wayne Shephard, Korn, Lacuna Coil, Led Zepplin, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Live, Lost Prophets, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Marcy Playground, Matchbox 20, MGMT, Moody Blues, MOP,Mudvayne, N.W.A, Nickelback, Nine inch Nails, Nirvana, Nonpoint, Biggy, Offspring, Pantera, Papa Roach, Perfect Circle,Phil Collins,The beegies, P.O.D, Prething, Puddle of Mudd,Radio head, Red hot chili peppers,Rob Zombie, Rolling Stones,Sade, Saliva, Scars on Broadway, Seal, Seether, Servant, Seven Mary Three, Shinedown ,SiX, Slipknot, Smashing Pumpkins, Soundgarden, Staind, Steely Dan, Stevie B, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Stone Roses, Stone Sour Stone Temple Pilots, Submersed, System Of A Down,T.I, Tantric, Taproot, Three Day Grace, Tito & Tarantula,Toby Mac,Tonic,Tool, Trust Company,Tupac, Vertical Horiszon, Verve, Wallflowers, White Zombie, Young Dre, Hed Pe as you can see i have a wide variety but do you know any bands like that that are my style and that i would like? thx guys.

Spiritually speaking, when john adams and john han wrote ...?

"We Recognize No Sovereign but God, and no King but Jesus!" was that a demand for theocracy or total rejection of monarchy and the "divine right of kings"?

Restaurant name........?

For school I have to make up a name for a restaurant as part of a project. The name has to relate to european exploration of the americas- so im totally lost. Any ideas???

What exactly categorized Obama as Socialist ?

Everyone says Obamas socialist. and everyone is fearing that our country is going to turn to communism. Last time I checked this country was a democracy. does a step toward fairness in taxes for less fortunate people actually mean socialist??? dont think so.

Do you like this excerpt of my story?

I think it is really good. It is interesting and gripping, and I would definitely read the rest of it. The characters are good and it is well written. Good luck on the rest! (if you haven't written it already)

Mozart's no. 40 in G Minor and Symphony no. 5 in C Minor by Beethoven - differnces & similarities ?

hello guys i just wandering what is the differences between mozart no. 40 in G minor and Beethoven symphony no 5 c minor

Home remedies for dark circles... ?

I have dark circles under my eyes. I don't think it's hereditary, neither of my parents have it. I'm just a bit anemic but i eat lots protein and iron rich foods when I can. I have fair skin so maybe that's just it. But people think i'm tired when i'm not and they ask me about it, so what can i do to get rid of them with home remedies?

Who do you think will these football games?

idk about you but for me eagles beat falcons, and LOL!!! saints beat redskins by 50, bears waste rams, the titans will upset the colts and vikings win barley over the cardinals

Where is the hood opener for a 2007 Mercedes C230?

I had a C230 as a brand new car for about 3 days and I don't know where I put the manual book and just want to find out where do I open the hood from? Do I lift up the hood ornament and open it from there? or Is there a on that you press somewhere inside?

How do you reinforce territories in Risk when you run out of infantry soldiers?

you use a piece of a color thats not being used. i just got done playing a big game with my friends on a boring night lol haha

I was threatened ...plz hlp...?

i was threatened 3 days ago.. me and my brother in-law went to a friend of his house (a girl) and when we were there a two guys and a girl got there the guys where my brother in-laws friend's nephews ..we were ok at first but then the girl asked me for a smoke and i threw the pack at her .. my brother in-law asked me to apologize so i did but when the guy found out he threatened me with his ak-47 he didnt take it out but he went up to his car and warned me that he had it ...and since then i cant stop thinking about it.. im afraid my brother in-law has taken his friend to my house before and im worried she will remember were it is..what can i do what should i do..

Why the distilled water is used periodically, for ups /inverter batteries?

My Inverter service engineer of my UPS/INVERTER asked me to pour distilled water periodically, as a maintenance rule. Please suggest whether it is absolute necessary and mention the periodicity.

Thinking about the notion of god...?

Only one small notation you failed to mention. My God has the power to ure that I know and understand what I read and learn of HIM because I allow HIM to reside within my spirit. This one insignificant detail makes all the difference in the world and is also the reason you and many others cannot discern God's messages! that and the fact that you all refuse to let go of sin!

Did he reject me?

It sounds like he was afraid of rejection and so he was trying to be sure it really was you that sent him the card. And then his mate ed in and humiliated both of you. I think if you can talk to him privately and just tell him, yes it was you, he will tell you he likes you too. Go for it! Games never work. But in that situation, you did the best you could to save face.

Superbowl watchers: Are you surprised Kim Kardishan wasnt shown once?

who cares , she not even that hot because she's all plastic, i can name million of natural beauty girl better looking than her

Was Heath Ledger the best Joker in any Batman medium?

I think so! He was INSANE! and I mean that in a totally respectful way, as that was what the Joker was supposed to be! The only thing I didn't like about it was that the white color of his face was makeup in the movie, when it was supposed to be the way his skin was, in one way or another(I know it was makeup in real life, but I thought it wouldn't be, in the movie).

Physics help :(?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Can anyone provide with details about solar power? how costly it is & who can help?any govt.aid available?

can anyone provide with details about solar power? how costly it is & who can help?any govt.aid available? if i want to make it available for collective farming across my village. is it worthy or a costly idea?

Why do emo kids insist that MCR has saved their life?

I have no idea how listening to more emo lyrics could save already depressed kids from suicide or whatever the eff they need saving from...

Monday, August 15, 2011

What song is this?....?

Part of the lyrics are "beat of my heart" & its NOT THE ONE BY HILLARY DUFF!! Its sung by a male & its fairly popular. Any clues?

I've messed up badly and I risk losing my female friend. What can I do to rectify things? I'm a 30-sthg guy?

ie Grabber, You need to learn that there is a time and place to grab a and have a little self-awareness next time you're with a girl. What you did is really creepy and comes off as pervy, not sweet. She doesn't have these feelings for you. I'm sorry. Time to move on.

uality discrimination?

I know what you mean. These men are also usually the ones that don't like men, thinking all ual men are bottoms. It's because it is the greatest form of emasculation to these men. Because these men view women and gay men as holes. My town/city/ w/e it is, is filled with them. You'll find narrowmindedness like this in more rural areas. But you must realise there ARE plenty of men out there that are decent.

Have you heard according to a gallup poll by USA Today that McCain and Palin are in the lead?

I'm so happy! I was weary of McCain's choice in a vice presidental candidate especially after hearing about her teen daughter but the more I really listened to what she had to say and those who know her had to say, the more I think he made a very wise decision! I think she's the reason that McCain is now in the lead. I'm very supportive of our efforts in Iraq and that's one reason why I'm voting for McCain. Another is that he has way more experience than Obama. He really answers questions while Obama kind of skips around them or just says the same things that advisors have taught him to say, he's like a puppet. McCain will also help our country financially and not by raising taxes like Obama would end up doing. Please be nice about any comments. I do not dislike Obama. I think that he's a good family man but he's just not presidential material. It also irks me that everyone makes him out to be black when he is bi-racial and he was raised by his white mother and then his white grandparents.

Does anyone know any auto shop that will service my car if I would bring my own parts.?

I have mint condition 1993 Ford Probe GT with 52,000 original miles. ANd i love this car to death! I want nothing but the best for my car, so I buy good quality oil, air filter, fuel filter and oil filter. My # brand for oil and filter is mobil 1 5:30 synthetic oil extended protection, and mobil one filter. But I checked around my area and I asked many auto shops and they refused to service my car because I like to bring my own parts. I will be more then happy to pay them a little more money, all I am paying is for labor since they got all the tools and hydrolic lift. So can anybody tell if I can find a qualified honest mechanic around Eldorado Hills CA 95762, or placerville ca. I live in a small town ner Sacramento. I need to find a place soon before my car breaks down. So does anybody known any mechanic that will service my car if I bring my own parts around El Dorado Hills CA 95762?

What is the population in Bangladesh (most recent check you can get)?

I need it for some project at school, thanks for giving me the website you got it from or i will not choose you as best answer.

Where Can You Download Selena Gomez-'If Cupid Had A Heart' Free?

its not a real song. they just made a clip of it for the episode. sorry =[ but you could probably watch the like 20 second version on youtube =]

Girlfriend Is Needy or is it just me?

I think I may have an issue with my gf. She is acting like an immature child and I tell her to toughen up. I encourage her to be strong and use her intellect to solve her problems rather than whining about it and demanding sympathy from her bf. I do sympathize with her, but she is pushing me to be her little slave that does what she wants. Just yesterday, I start kissing her neck very sensually and she demands I stop and pushes me away. She gets all offensive when I want something from her such as despite the great lengths I go through for her daily and despite that fact that we never get it on. I do my best to be the best boyfriend I can, but it's just never enough for her. I've basically come to the conclusion of "**** this" after realizing she's not worth it in the least bit.

Why is it that Nobody knows how Libya looks?

LOOL!!! Just add Libyans on Facebook! They put pictures that will give you an insight of Libyans life. My advice is the best that you can get!

How to gain weight in few weeks?

Eat A LOT of whole grain carbs, a variety of nuts, dried fruit, avocados, and add healthy oils to your meals (olive oil, coconut oil, flaxseed oil, sesame oil, and hemp oil). PS: nuts have protein, which is good.

Should we pay TV licence?

I'm American and my boyfriend (the most beautiful man in the world) is a limey. Dude i don't think you should pay TV tax. What the h e double hockey sticks kinda tax is that? I don't think you should pay that OR property tax on a place UNLESS you own it. Why should you pay property tax if you don't OWN the place? That makes no sense whatsoever. Nor do i think you should pay VAT. Do you know that i sent him a package and the postage (that I paid to the US postal service!!) was taxed too? WTF? How you gonna tax somebody on another country's postage charge?!!??? Thinking of those things angers me, so I'm just going to go now. But to answer your question, NOOOOOO!!!!

Carl Crawford for H. Ramirez. seems like a no brainer until you factor in all thosee steals.?

who would you guys take? the fact I was offered this makes me think I'm missing something, as of now he's my main competition in this league and his biggest weakness is steals. That's what giving me pause on this deal.

I need help on staying focused in school. Anny advice?

I can't figure out how to stay focused I'm tired of family getting after me about my grades and felling like a retard anny one help me out?

Would this be a good snowboard size for a beginner?

Would the arbor formula snowboard in size 155 be a good size snowboard for a beginner that's 6 feet and 150ibs or should I go bigger and get the 158?

My cat fetches and i was wondering?

Well my cat is infatuated with bottle caps and all of a sudden she has started fetching, and following us around the house with her bottle cap so we throw is that way she can play fetch, i was wondering is this normal in a cat's behavior?

Rate the celebes?

Heidi Klum, Adriana Lima, Angelina Jolie, Drew Barrymore and Rachael McAdams are all pretty in different ways. The rest from your list are not.

Fill In the Blank Question?

Sugar, phosphate and a base = _____ which in turn combine to form genes which together make up a _____?

What would be a catchy name?

I am interested in starting a propane delivery company and would like some company name suggestions=)

I dont know what to do...?

okay so my ex boyfriend and i broke up in october and now he wants to get back together with me and i want to because i really love him.... well we made plans for sunday on tuesday and now im trying to contact him but he doesnt answer any of my text messages or IMs on AIM..... this happened before too though.. when we first went out.... he said the reason he broke up with me was because he got really nervous around me and he didnt know what to do..... so i dont know whats going on.... should i try calling him or should i not even bother?

Heathens, Pagans, Atheists and Moderates: How can I get this message across to the Evangelicals effectively?

I am a strong Christian, but I am interested in diffrent beliefes and I have never heard of Him. What is this religion all about? any peorsonal mircales with it? What is the proof? e-mail me please at

Is this a legit September 1st, 2010 New Ban List?

They should let Dark Hole & Monster Reborn stay ban, semi limited Mind Control (ban Brain Control), keep Magic Cylinder limited cuz it can be an OTK card, and Heavy Storm should not be BAN

Can a figure have more than one line of symmetry? Explain?

any "line" where a figure can be folded and and is even (or symmetrical) on both sides is a line of symmetry.

What do you think of Elton John?

Talented, cares about other people, has donated millions of dollars towards aids. Nice person in my book.

Do you find pleasure in the simple things?

a home made latte in the morning,dry roasted nuts,my garden,watching birds,playing with the dogs,oh,and dark chocolate : p

Which is best? Groove Metal or Industrial Metal or Nu Metal?

In My Opinion i'd say a little bit of Groove Metal and Indrustrial Metal. I hate Nu Metal, but it's not my least favorite genre either. I really like Nine Inch Nails and a little bit of Rob Zombie. And a little bit of Slipknot now and again too.

Jump-Starting my I doing it wrong?

red to red and black to black best way and could it be the battery cables dirty and if your havinfg to pump gas then you have more than one problem

Wedding caterers flexible about specialty goods?

I'm planning a wedding and I picked out a few caterers...I'm trying to not be rude, and I know I'll have to ask them specifically, but there are some items I want to be served that they can't offer (i.e. a special type of oyster) I'm wondering if it is normal for this to happen and if it is generally something they are flexible with or if they strictly serve their foods only for safety issues or profit?

Are "hotter spark plugs" a rip off?

I'm pretty sure that as long as you HAVE spark, ANY spark, that is all you need in the combustion chamber. Think about it, if you're in a house filled with natural gas, any size spark will ignite the whole place. A bigger more powerful spark won't make any difference. One time I was at Auto Zone and one of the employees tried to sell me this whole "ignition package" that was supposed to up my gas mileage. He said he had it on his '79 Bronco with a 390 V8, and he got 22 miles per gallon. I call BS. Is there any evidence to back up this "hotter spark" debate?

Aren't all the death threat and spitting on people a great gift from the Republican Party?

No, it's more a gift TO the Republicans. Most of the violence and denigration comes FROM democrats. Liberals always break the law then blame everyone else, it's in their dishonest nature.

Does a scarf represent something symbolic in books?

In the book New Moon Bella talks about how a lady lost her scarf in Italy due to the wind. She talks about it for about half a page and wanted to know if a scarf represents something. it seems important because she talks about it too much for it to be insignificant

What were the cirstances surrounding Elvis Presleys death ?

He died of a drug overdose. It was sad, he was such an amazing man he was one of the greatest singers in history, he did movies, and was considered a symbol, but he got caught up in the drugs.I can't really say much more, it's too sad to talk about the negative things he did in his life.

**How to ask a girl to be my Valentine? :]?

This girl has asked me to Sadies Hawkins (high school dance, when a girl askes) and tomorrow is Valentines Day and i just remembered it was so i was wondering HOW should i ask her. please explain, like what should i buy and maybe how i should do it..

Sunday, August 14, 2011

I wnat to turn onboard video off?? how???

i have windows Xp and the video card that it cant regognize is a PCI video card. i heard you need to turn off the onboard video. How?

Which RB's should I start this week in fantasy football?

marshawn lynch has some kind of injury i think but he will play and jones drew is better than the rest. chester taylor is a good sleeper yes i just went by the rankings lynch # 8 and jones drew is # 16 chester taylor is #40 in running backs this week

Superbowl 2011 bep performance?

The black eyed peas performance sucked. Fergie kinda sounds like craps and there microphones sounded bad.. Am I the only one who feels like this?

Why do democrats think that unemployment can't be fixed within 2 years?

Someone just asked why republicans think that unemployment should be lowered within 2 years. My question is, why do democrats think it CAN'T be lowered within 2 years? I understand government doesn't create jobs other than government jobs, but they sure can influence job creation. Reagan's model worked, and when I hear people say that his method of economic recovery added to the debt (even though we all know it was because Reagan had to compromise with Congress to get them to get on board with his plan and they weren't fiscally conservative) but let's say Reagan's plan was the reason for the increase to the national debt during his presidency - the bailouts and Obama's economic recovery does the same thing - it adds to the national debt, but doesn't even work. Why are democrats happy with Obama's economic "recovery" and telling republicans to be patient and that we shouldn't expect unemployment to go down within two years but Reagan was able to lower unemployment from 10.8% to 7.7% within 17 months because he lowered top marginal individual income tax rates from 70% to 28%, deregulated the energy and banking sectores, and cut deficit spending by 1.5%. This resulted in economic growth, which made businesses flourish, which resulted in a drop in unemployment. More people were working, people who were already working got paid more, which actually increased the income tax revenue to government!. When you couple this with small incremental tax increases, as Reagan did to prevent tax braket creep, the economy boomed, GDP went up, and the national average income went up. Why do democrats think that unemployment CAN'T be lowered within 2 years, when Reagan was clearly able to do what Obama can't?

His oldest daughter is a disease ridden w#ore,and im an honor-roll student who speaks 3 languages....?

As soon as you turn 18 move out! He sounds like avery rude father. Maybe speak with a councelor at your school.

Is propane gas airsoft guns safe?

I found this article from airsoft on that subject. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Did I eat too much today? *10 points*?

You ate way too much crap, thats what you ate today. You ate all sugars and starch, thats all going to turn into fat girl! Never touch any of that crap again. Eat meat, fruits, and vegetables. You want to turn into some fat revolting blob like all the other fatties that eat that junk? Cut it out girl, and eat healthy food.

Why is the America comic book industry dying?

I saw a doentory on comic books once on the history channel. In so many words they basicly said nerds killed it. Comic books were originally sold in stores all over like at checkout stands and they were meant to be thrown away after done with but people kept keeping them and started collecting them and it moved off into specialty stores. Once it stopped being in normal stores people just were like screw it. Then by my own speculation the American arists just didnt really give a damn or there became less and less because of the stupid economy making it hard to make money off of it.

Macbeth and Scotland PA.?

Obvious reason why he should: the plot, in significant detail, is cribbed from Shakespeare. Why he shouldn't: it's a different story that is about a burger joint rather than a kingdom, and from the summary it seems to be a black comedy and not a tragedy.

Your thoughts on my poem? (Selfharm related, so don't read if you don't like that)?

That's good. I personally don't like that last line, but it's not my poem. If you like then it's fine. It's good, though. -thumbs up-

What happens in the movie: Texas Chainsaw Macre?

Im gonna watch it but it sounds really gory and scary, so I was wondering if someone could tell me what happens in it so i don't get too freaked out.

NFL Fans What do you think will happen?

The Pats Strike Back! I feel this is a championship season for us. The Cowboys have yet to impress me.

Help with Spanish Course!!!!?

here's a hint. just go 2 dictionary. com. go under other languages and click where it says translate: translate text instantly. then click spanish 2 english and it'll translate it 4 u.

Do Ive a Mental Problem? Im 14.?

you may have a mental problem although it is difficult to say what. sometimes people are driven to lose control of their lives and actions for a variety of reasons. i would strongly suggest you speak to a psychiatric professional about this because you will then get a more accurate essment from someone who will be able to ask you questions directly as well as perform accurate tests to see what is the problem.

Why do nincompoops believe the church shall be "raptured" prior to the tribulation?

Revelation 7, 20 "These are those who came out of the great tribulation". To come out of means, you must first enter. Revelation, 11, 3. 7. & 12. The two witnesses don't get ruptured until after the 42 months of tribulation. Revelation 13,10. a warning & a call to perseverance on the part of the saints / tribulation. Also, Revelation 14,12. Danial, 11, 33. More wrath for the believers. Danial 12, 10. Many will be purified, made spotless and refined. Danial, 8, 24. "He will destroy mighty men and holy people". This sounds like the work of the anti Christ during the tribulation. Danial, 12, 12. States, to the best of my knowledge, that blessed is the man who makes it through the tribulation. Revelation 13, 7. He was, the Beast, given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them. Can you imagine being killed by a spiritual entity that comes up out of the abyss? It doesn't sound pretty. What are you going to do kill it? Revelation, 13, 15. He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that all who refuse to worship the image to be killed. This is but a few scripture that give insight into the truths of the Christians participation in the tribulation. Why is it that "scholars" such as John Haggie can speak of a rapture prior to the second coming of Christ? Did anyone watch his sermon of the NWO this morning 5-17-09. I heard the term illuminati, illuminated ones. He referenced the symbolism on the back of the dollar bill. But why did he quote such men as Benjamin Franklin, giving praise to his wisdom, men such as G.W.B. and a known "Free" Masons. In closing, why didn't he expose the "Free" Masons for what they are an underworld secret society of Satanists setting up the NWO???

After i bought fable II my XBOX 360 keeps freezing ?

Does anyone have freezing problems With their 360???? after i bought fable II my xbox screen keeps freezing, where i have to manually turn off the power switch. I tested is with my other games and my system works fine. I got rid of some corrupted files reformatted my memory checked the disk for scratches, and my disk has no scratches because it bran new . I don"tb know what to do. I tried calling xbox tech support but , the agents barley Speak english and sound confused. does anybody have this problem and can you give me some advice on how to fix the problem

Am I ready for Moonlight Sonata 3rd mvmt?

I am capable of playing Pathetique by Beethoven (3rd mvmt) at presto speed ~200 with a few mistakes and at ~168 (a fast allegro speed) with no mistakes I plan on perfecting the piece at presto speed in a week. Would I be ready for Moonlight Sonata 1st movement it seems more difficult than Pathetique. If it is too difficult could you suggest me some pieces that would be closer to my level or pieces that would help improve my technique? (perhaps some fairly simple etudes)? Thankyou

I've got a bracelet too. From, Sergeant, uh, uh, from the mother of, uh, Sergeant, Ryan David Jopek."?

I'm surprised more of you aren't talking about why McCain would even bring up the whole bracelet thing anyway? You guys should just look at the big picture. McCain brought it up to try to make Obama look like he was out of touch with military families and their concerns, and tried to imply that they all stood behind him. I thought the whole bracelet thing was completely unnecessary. Who doesn't have sympathy for the families who have lost loved ones in iraq and afghanistan? This whole exchange just serves to show that military families have these concerns: will my son/daughter's death be in vain if we pull out? and will my son/daughter ever come home safe? If you guys want to narrow your thinking further by focusing on a soundbite, go ahead.

Isn't funny that the Boston Chockers are the only team stil in the 1st round?

It's like the NBA went on without them and if they advance but never sweep anyone they will always be the last team out of every round. CELTICS SUCKS. Right now they are at home getting ready DET vs. ORL and SA vs. NO. Well they are in game 7 with the mighty Hawks.

My two rats keep fighting?

it has to do with them wanting there own space so you need to separate them now its like dog fights when the dogs dont like eachother one ends up dead so the other one is dominant

Can you help me to improve and correct grammatical mistakes in this small letter?

Its all pretty good, except put a commar after 'Respected Sir' and the 'Visa' at the end does not need to be in capitals. I've noticed a few english problems too. If you want me to fix those too tell me in additional details. =)

What would you do if...?

I have 3 girls... 2 of them are both going to go to school this coming year one will be in pre-k and the other will be in 4th grade. My husband just started a job while being unemployed for almost a year. As of right now he hasnt even started making 40 hours a week. They are suppose ably going to be working at least 40 hours and be able to get all the ot that he wants. so far I havent seen that just yet. With both of my daughters starting school, daughters bday in november, xmas around the corner. Our car is broke down we are using my parents car as of right now. So this is another thing that I want to be able to fix without struggling waiting for our next weeks pay check...I am thinking about going ahead and finding a job. My husband don't want me applying where he works at while they are making good money making 11 an hour. All he is doing is cleaning the training area at the base and working in the heat. If I cant work their I would work somewhere else. But he just wants me to stay at home take care of the kids and the house. As well as start back to school in august to finish up my school. I am just confused on what I should do because I want to be able to buy nice clothes for my girls, be able to do more things... What would you do or how would you feel in this situation

Frozen plastic pipes won't give me water?

its the pipes nearest an outside wall, or if in a trailer, underneith. in any case heat must be applied befoe they crack.

Who was the inbent president, running for re- election, who received the fewest electoral votes?

Who was the inbent president, running for re-election, who received the fewest electoral votes of any sitting president running for re-election?

Where can I buy bitter apple spray?

Just had my cat spayed and have been informed I should use bitter apply spray to deter her from licking/chewing her wound. Had a quick look online however, I'd like to purchase in an actual shop. Don't want to order online and have to wait for postage, especially during the festive period. Anyone know of any UK stores where I can buy this, eg - Pets at Home etc?

Longing for a world of peace......what you do in times of stress and sadness?

Have you ever wished you could just get away? To get away from life for a short time so you could just breath? Ive been feeling like this lately, things in my life right now, though i know can be worse, is pretty stressful for me, things at home, with my parents, work etc....some days i wake up in the morning and wish i could just go to a distant island somewhere, where it is stress free, blue skies, green land, lush hills, sun shining bright etc....i think of this peaceful place every night before i go to sleep and it saddens me, saddens me because i know that this is just a mere thought, but this thought is so real for me, and one day, soon i hope, i will find a place such as this. Ive always been the type of person that couldnt handle stress, i just cant deal with more than one thing on my plate, stress makes me feel like the walls are closing in all around me, and the room is getting smaller and smaller and it makes me just wanna scream out. Things in my life, in just life in general, seem so casual and plain, so ordinary, and then i step back, look at the big picture, and just realize how screwed up things are in the world, so much hate, famine, pollution, crime, carelessness, war, fighting, destruction depresses me just to consider myself a human being because i see what people are doing in todays world and i say to myself that im not like them, nothing like them, so how can i be one of them? I just have revelations sometimes, some days i just think real deep and realize how this isnt living, how there's more to life, more to it all, and i want to experience it, i want to live, the true meaning of what is 'life', enough with all this ranting, i want to know what you do to relieve stress in times of sadness, depression, sorrow etc.....what do you do? do you have a happy place or any techniques and routines to clear your mind?

When the term muslim or islam or mohammed were not mentioned by Adam to Jesus, how can we treat them as muslim?

The word "Muslim" means one who submits to the will of God. The first principle of Islam is known as the Shahaadah (Testimony of Faith), and is as follows: "There is no one worthy of worship except Allaah (God) and Muhammad is the Final Apostle (Messenger) of God.” (Reference a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Help me out with making a fairy screen name.?

Hi my name is Jess. I'm a girl of course. I'm having a hard time coming up with a yahoo email account. and I'm wanting to make a fairy screen name. I like darker names. But I also like pretty and cute names as well. If you could help me come up with some thing than i would really appreciate it. Thanks, Jess

Did the 49ers get the hardest schedule of 2009?

playoff time baby,only if shaun hill had started the season instead of just turns over sullivan we would have been in the playoffs,we beat some good teams this year and im always proud of them each and every year.

Compare and contrast the approaches of Ida B. Wells, Booker T. Washington, and W.E.B. DuBois with race?

Compare and contrast the approaches of Ida B. Wells, Booker T. Washington, and W.E.B. DuBois with regard to segregation and race relations?

Is it compulsory to deposit my pport in the custody of employers in Kuwait?

I am an Indian and I am seeking job opportunities in the Hotel Industry in Kuwait. I want to know is it necessary to deposit my pport in the custody of my employer if I am going to work there? Is it safe and okay as my pport is my and my country's personal property?

My best friend is a correctional officer at a medium security facility, she's dating an ex-con,help!?

My best friend of over 10 years now has recently started dating a new guy. Normally i don't try to be too judge-mental because she's a single mom with 3 kids so dating is tough for her. But recently she admitted she's started dating a guy who was just released from jail for crystal meth and that they are hitting it off. She claims he's really good with her kids and a sweet guy, (i'm thinking, yeah right). She admitted to me on the phone that she thinks shes suffering from depression and on the verge of a mental breakdown, i don't know what to do? She could lose her job just by someone at her work finding out she's ociating with this guy and she knows it but doesn't seem to care. 6 months ago her father got a DUI and she was so concerned about the backlash from that affecting her job and now she's dating an ex-con? I don't know how to handle this and whats more she kept it a secret from me and only her mom and a friend who is an ex-girlfriend of the guy knew about them dating. I am totally beside myself right now, she has said im her best friend in the world and likewise for me. I want to shake some sense into her but i don't know what to do or say. help!?!? I am also worried for her 3 kids they are still young and impressionable and an ex-felon is not what they need in their lives...

Is the third woe of revelations?

great spiritual destruction leading to peace? similar to how abraham lost his only son spiritually? if you had more than one son it would be easier to get over?

For those invited, but who did not join Phi Theta Kappa....?

I didn't join my first time being asked, mostly because I was overwhelmed with school and thought it would just add to my workload. I did eventually join and I'm glad I did, although it wasn't really a life changing thing, just a highlight on my resume.

Should I care about looks now (just turned 14) Or should I not and focus on school?

Focus on school for right now. You're only 14 when I was 13 I was soo ugly you don't even know.. I had horrible acne, I had buck teeth and my teeth were split. My hair was all dry I had horrible self esteem! As I grew up, I stopped breaking out, I had braces my freshman year and now my teeth are perfect, a lot of guys ask me out and say I'm beautiful. Hey I might sound conceded but it's true. I went from really ugly to a lot better looking now. Of course I still focus on school, school is very important. High school can base off how your life will be. If you do good, you can get into a good college that can get you to an amazing job with lots of money. If you don't care then no colleges will want you, you'll get a bad education and when you apply to jobs they'd rather hire the more educated being. Focus on school right now, you'll grow up and look better. The reason why the age between 12-14 is so bad is because your face is growing into your features. So your nose might look too big now, but your face will grow into it. Same with eyes and your mouth. That's why I hated 6th grade to 9th grade cause I looked HORRIBLE!

Can a 1989 plymouth voyager gas engine be converted to a diesel engine?

NO. The block casting is too weak , same for the heads. Diesel combustion requires compression ratios of 16.5-22/1 and demand a robust engine design. GM tried to convert the Oldsmobile 350 to diesel years ago and it was a fiasco.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

How do you site an online source in MLA format?...?

I have an online source that is providing an article from another publication. How do I site this in the MLA format?

If you DON'T believe Jesus or Mohammed (or whoever) was God's 'representative' can you STILL value their words?

No, I have no need for them. I can figure out how I should act, think, feel, and believe without any help from dead men from the Bronze and Iron Ages.

All ladies TTC- would you buy this if it was available?!?

I have been TTC since Jan with 1 miscarriage. I have spent a small fortune on pregnancy tests and have just had an idea. I dont know if this has already been invented- if it has tell me where i can get it!!! A finger prick test to measure HCG in blood. you know like with people who have diabetes can do a finger prick and measure their blood sugar levels, i think it would be fab if there was a pregnancy equivalant. Dont you agree ladies!!!

Im so in love xxxxxxxxxxxx?

im so in love with my wife and want to tell the world,she makes me feel fab,wanted,loved and so nice and i am the happiest person alive,my wife is the best thing ever to have happened in my life and i just want to share this feeling with the world.does anyone else have this feeling ?.........if not then your missing out,its just the greatest feeling in the world and i just coudnt live without my wife by my side,i am a new man and feel so alive and know i will feel this always,life is just so fab and my wife is so precious to me........again,i just wanted to share this moment as i feel wonderful and just want to know if anyone out there feels the same,xxx

Will the Packers try to trade for Julius Peppers?

First of all, should the packers try to bolster their new 3-4 defense with him, and do you actually think ted thompson will break tradition and actually go after a big name player

How/should i ask this girl out?

i really really like this girl in my school. i get the impression that she likes me because she smiles at me in the corridor, she gives me wierd nicknames and we make eachother laugh. this will be my first time asking someone out so im a bit nervous and scared so how shall i do it. :)

How it cost (price) for uploading long videos on youtube?

i know that youtube allow uploading less than 10 minutes freely. but more than 10 minutes will be payable. so how it'll cost? for example, uploading 1 hour = ? $

What type of snake is this?

I live in the Metro ATL area and I've seen this 2-3ft long black snake that has thin yellow bands evenly spaced out along its back at intervals of 2-4 inches apart. Its the same diameter from its neck all the way to its tail. Its probably a garter snake but I need to make sure.

Gay/bi guys help us out ?

So my friend thinks he's gay and he wants someone to talk to about it to help figure things out. i mean im a so i sort of know what he means. figuring yourself out is hard on your own you need someone to talk to. . so if you think you could help him message me on yahoo Lynzzee08 and i'll give you his sn . he doesnt want me posting it right here on the internet lol

Are Umpires making delibrate mistakes when ruling on LBW's?

for all the ones that are given that seem not out, there is usually one that was out but not given, it usually evens out through the match, when i was watching bollinger bowl he seemed to get all his LBW turned down, then the one that was missing got given...

Any perfumes you recommend for a 16-year-old girl?

i smelled a sample of this perfume called rebel rose and it smells so nice. Mark by Avon sells it and it's only $18 (: it suitable for teens.

Why do nonbelievers ume Evangelical Christians participated in the Crusades and the Inquisition ?

This always comes up whenever Christianity is discussed. Don't they realize it was the Roman Catholic Church that was involved with this?

What's up with the discharge is it my mucus plug?

I am now 36 weeks and 4 days pregnant. I went to my OBGYN for an appointment last week and found out I was dialated to 1 woo hoo lol. Anyway when I got home that night I noticed what looked like old blood in my underwear,and since this time I have been leaking a mucusy like subtance - which seems to come and go. My question is , am I loosing my mucus plug or is this just due to the cervical check?

Can state troopers become park rangers? If so, what needs to be done?

My husband wants to go into state trooper academy a year from now to become a state trooper. His plan is to eventually become a park ranger, but he's not sure how to go about it. Any helpful information or links would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!

What happens when you breathe in air from a house that was.......?

what happens when you breathe in air from a house 5 minutes after it almost caught on fire because the fireplace vent was shut.....the fire was big and broke the gl in front of the fireplace and we stayed in the house breathing that air whats gonna happen to me

What the heck is the 'Underlying Product" I am agreeing to buy or sell when trading Stock Indexes?

the stocks that are in the actual index - S&P 500 - an index fund for the S&P 500 with have those 500 stocks included - in the same rations as the Broad index uses to calculate the Index price

Im 6 weeks pregnant and went to an abortionist?

she put a small hose on my upto my cervix,after 15mins,the bleeding was like a regular mens the whole day,heavy with light pink to red color blood. and the next day it was just spotting.i dont want to go for a doctor to check if im still pregnant bec im here in uae and abortion was'nt legal here.when can i use pregnancy test to check if im still pregnant.

Where may i find an external search tool for windows xp to search WITHIN an application?

For example, if i wanna search through my Firefox bookmarks, and find a particular bookmark, which program would i use to do such a search? IF i wanna go through something inside an application, such as a internet-based program that searches youtube videos for content, and downloads the videos, how would i pick and choose through hundreds of videos? I want a search command that is preferably freeware, but i will pay for one if i can't find one freeware. Please advise.

What are some companys that have multiple branches over seas?

I'm looking for large companys that have like a seperate international/foreign affairs department, like Samsung. becaue i'm fluent in chinese japanese korean and english and majoring in international business in college, i thought i could really use this to my advantage to work for some large companies that need people who speak multiple languages. thank you!

I would like to adopt an animal?

I 'm looking to adopt an animal, but all the sites I've found don't have quarterly updates. I'd like one with those. Specifically I'd like a tiger, wolf, cheetah, leopard, lion, etc. Those types. Anything will do though. Thanks

I need alot of help right now. Ten points for good adivce. Please help?

Right now it may seem like the worst thing, but time will heal you. Bottom line is that he is a loser, oh yeah and a criminal! You don't want to be involved with a druggie do you? You deserve ten times better than that and he is so not worth your tears and sulk. Continue going out with ur friends and enjoy life, go out and do as much stuff and get tired so at the end of the day you have no energy to spend on sulking about him. You will get over it but allow yourself too. Everything happens for a reason and he may have gotten you in trouble too. friend has it and i need help!?

my friend has undifferentiated-type schizophrenia due to a brain tumor. hes changed alot over the past year, i dont know who he is anymore. he has around 30 people that live in his head. i have talked to a handful of them, and its weird talking to them, i feel bad about it...should i? at first it scared me, now its just like a regular thing. there names are shadow, sorrow, woe and slieth, they all have different personalitys. just today, they dont want me talking to their "master" domenick, they told me that i shouldnt suffer because of domenick. but he is, or at least was the one person i would confide in when i needed to talk to someone. should i just forget about him? its hard to say that since we were really close. all he does now is insult me, and laughs at me if im upset over something. im tired of him pushing me away. i know why hes like this, his last girlfriend left him, didnt say why, just left. now hes ruined in a sense. HELP! this isnt a joke, schizophrenia is confusing.

Math Ques., again..Please!!?

an employee worked 40 hrs at 5.00hr and 5hrs overtime at a rate equal to 1-1/2 times his regular rate, how much did he earn this week?

Do you consider the act of reading to be inherently spiritual in nature?

I think the ability to tranlate symbols into complex and abstract thoughts is one of the most profound, incredible things that separates humans from other life. What do you think? Thoughts?

I think my friends like each other, but im not sure?

I introduced this girl to my best friends a few months ago. Whenever i mention one of their name to the other. the other away response like "ewww" but the weird thing is they text each other constantly and whenever we hang out, they always sit next to each other and they constantly talk to each other. so Idk. if they like each other or not

Abs or cardio?kinda confused?

im a 17 year old boy,like 1.76 meters, 63 kgs,i just have a lil lower ab fat,i started doing a good abs training(the pion4profession),just doing it for like a week,i feel that my abs r stronger but does it burn my lower fat?and if i do cardio will i lose weight?cuz i dont wanna lose alot of weight just lose the belly..i dont have fat in other places just neglected the usually doing only push ups n arm exercises

What was it called when Adolf Hitler destroyed all the art and literature that wasn't german?

I have an art essay that I need to write, during ww2 Hitler wanted to censor everything that wasn't german, I forgot the name of it.

Terminator 4 salvation why was fight scene at the end so weak with the terminator 800 model and with no gun?

In terminator 1 the 800 went to right business with his machine gun when he tried to confront connor going for the immediate kill. Why did he in 4 decide to spend time tossing around john and going to confront him with no weapon? And how did johns shooting the pipes at the end send fire and ice on terminator but he himself didnt get sprayed by anything?

Moderator notifications?

I checked every possible way for messages, files to be auto-sent to an owner/moderator and couldn't find anything for your problem. Best thing to do now is contact Yahoo Staff for istance using the Yahoo Groups Help Form: a href=""…/a

Friday, August 12, 2011

Who can answer this? its really hard, you gotta be smart like me!?

what is the key ingrediant to a successful life as a mortal in a life of judicial humanity? or shall their be a contrverse of love and erflies that swim in the immortal pool of pudding? or sahlle thy polar of tyhe bears eat the corn off the grand tree of lake poopy doo? and or, eat all the humanix fairandcles of the land of narnia? shall the wardrobe eat ur which. or shall thy who read be mush, of peter-pants. thank you

Can any one advise on supplements for the menopause?

hi, evening primrose oil capsules are very very good at balancing the hormones. my mum is currently on prescribed tablets as she cannot have HRT. my advice also is to speak to your doctor, explain to them you don't want HRT and if they can recommend herbal remedies, or if you want to avoid the doctors go to boots and speak to one of the pharmacists. i hope this helps and good luck. x

I have large red lumps in the back of my throat that emit a white, smelly substance, what is going on??

one of them is try getting away from drinking for a while and use orange juice instead make yourself belive orange juice is wine then see if the lumps still happen, if they do, you better go to a skin doctor it helps

Does anyone have a drink (alcoholic) recipe using watermelon?

I think I saw a martini or daiquri recipe on martha stewart once, but I can't find it. Thanks will pick best answer.

How do you solve 3x3 rubick's cube with no algorithms?

i just got my cube, and don't want to learn all of the algorithms. please tell me any sites, or just how to solve the cube w/ NO algorithms!! i put it in the dating section cuz i want it 2 get lots of attention.

Should President Obama prosecute those who approved using torture tactics during the Bush...?

with prosecuting the past administration. There's an argument to be made that we haven't been attacked again since 9/11 and maybe the torture yielded important information. But, it's time to go forward and say that we won't do it in the future. And would someone please tell Cheney to stop lobbing grenades at the administration on Fox News--the voice box of the Republican party. You're out of office. Retire already.

Would you feel uncomfortable, guys?

If a girl you were friends with before that you messed around with and had feelings for if she told you that she wanted to be friends again but platonic and went on to tell you that she cared about you and prayed for you everyday for God to direct your relationship with someone else and she never told you that she cared about you b4 how would you feel? How do guys feel if a girl were to say something like this and tell her feelings. Would he be creeped out?

Can a non-disjunction occur in either meiosis 1 or meiosis 2 or does it always occur in the same one?

Can a non-disjunction occur in either meiosis 1 or meiosis 2 or does it always occur in the same one?

What to get him for Christmas?

aww I have no idea... that sounds difficult :P... hmm maybe something like a gift card for dinner... (You can pretened to go as friends... btu secretly have a romantic night :P)

How much will it cost me to buy everything i need to train for mma at home?

i live in the middle of nowhere with no dojos nearby. i will be training at my house with a friend. we will first be learining kickboxing.

Do i play Mark Sanchez or Peyton Manning?

Peyton Manning is going against the 27th ranked defense against QB's in our league. Mark Sanchez is going against the 32nd ranked defense against QB's. Manning is the better QB but hasn't been playing good. Sanchez has been playing good and is going against a really bad defense.

Beef stew in a crock it necessary to brown the beef first? Or can i just toss it in?

Brown food tastes good ... if you brown the meat, your stew will have more flavor. But it's really up to you

Who to Start Campbell (Chiefs) or Palmer (Steelers) ?

Funny, I have both on my team as well, and I went with Campbell. Pittsburgh's D is just too strong right now.

Im depressed and confused!!!!?

Listen if he doesn't love you u are gonna have to forget it. You can not wait for the rest of your life to see if he changes his mind. Just move on however, i know it is hard. There has been a lot of times when men or women forgot their love otherwise, they would get hurt. If u still can not handle it, talk to him and say you truly love him. I know why u don,t want him to get apart because you know he still has feelings for you.

Spiritually speaking, what would be the best thing to do while waiting for someone to come out of surgery?

One of our contributors, BeeBee, little granddaughter is to undergo heart surgery in a few hours to repair a hole in her heart. If this were your child or grandchild, what would you be doing while you wait for the surgery to be completed?

Soft on Barry Hall ?!?

Barry Halls review: Did the AFL (review board) go soft on Barry Hall this week? Where they really thinking Barry v Sydney? Meaning: $$$$$$$$

Is my PC a PCI-E or AGP?

I have a HP Pavilion a6119h PC, it came with a on board graphics card -Intel(R) 82945G Express Chipset Family- I was thinking of getting a new one for gaming, but the thing is I don't know weather I'll need a pci / pci-e / agp.

Do you like my 2010 NFL mock draft?

Two things: 1st, Sam Bradford will get picked before JImmy Clausen. Second, why in the world would the Patriots take a linebacker over Javier Arenas, who a) they have already negotiated with, and b) is a PERFECT fit for their organization.


Ok.... so there is this guy and I like him a lot I wanted to email him and get his SN or cell and I don't want to seem obsessive..... so any email tips will help..... Thanks. :)

Do you think that people talk about injured players "Too lightly"...?

Yep, we make jokes about them too... we get angry too, calling them unfit, injured all the time... i hardly think the player enjoys getting injured. At the end of the day, we go into bed (or tree) and sleep comfortably while the injured player is still injured and in pain.

Could it be c diff? 4 year old being sick?

my 4 year old son last week had tonsillitis and scarlet fever, he was given antibiotics which ended friday, he recovered from that and then saturday night he was sick, (lots) sunday he seemed not to bad, no more vomiting, just a bit off his food, he started to recover from that and now tonight he has been sick (lots again). At my work we have c diff but i know this is usually just diarrhea, they only thing that makes me worry is that he has recently had the antibiotics which is a contributing factor in c diff, i have tried to call nhs direct for some advice but they are busy and only taking emergency calls??? i'm in the uk and its nearly 11pm so my doctors is shut, any advice would be great thanks

Will a gophone sim card work in a blackjack?

I have a go phone and one of my friends had a blackjack but he got a new phone and he is gonna give me the blackjack.Will my gophone sim card work in it>?

Should evolution theory be taught in public schools?

I believe that evolution should be taught in schools. If people want their children to learn about creationism they can take them to a religious institution for that. Religion has no place in schools, period. I grew up learning creationism and was horrified when I had to learn evolution in school. Now I am an adult and I can't believe that I ever though creationism was a real thing. People have a right to believe in anything they want to. However, I have studied many of the religions of the world to the point where I now do not believe that any of them are "the one true religion" or an answer to anything at all. Evolution, adaption, social change - these things are all science. Facts are facts.

I have been having painfull urinations so i went to the emergency room because i think its a UTI but?

im 19 and for the past two weeks ive been suffering from painfull urinations so i went to the emergency room and they told me that it wasent a UTI that they think that i have a yeast infection even my results showed that there was no yeast and they still insisted on it so they gave me a pill for a yeast infection and now im having discharge that looks like cottage cheese and is a little green and the painfull urination has just now gotten worce and now im urinating blood can some one help me because i know im not crazy im pertty sure it was a UTI that is now worce because of baltimore washington hospital =(

Why is Hillary's accidental mistatement such a big news story. The media is really tyring to help Obama.?

How do you know about all those Obama stories? Because they were big news stories that's why. You just contradicted your own point in that the media is trying to help Obama. I don't think I would ever mis-remember having gunshots fired at me. Lastly, if what your saying is true and she was briefed about gunshots why did she bring her daughter out of the plane with her? So, either she's full of **** or she's a terrible mother.

Is Santa Claus real ?

No way, Santa is real. I think that they put Santa on the "to and from" sticker because they didn't want to put their own names on. Maybe because she wanted to just make your older cousins happy.

Does he even love me or her?

ive met this guy online and we started talkin for one month now, we txt everyday...and sometimes we wuld chat....i fell in love with him even though he live far from me....i asked if he liked anyone he told me that he loved two girls one is his age nd one is older...hes 2 yrs younger than...he give me so many signs thats he interested nd i get too confused my cuzin if he like me he said yeahh...but idk cuz that can change becuz the other girl he likes live in his town...idek if hes willing to have a long distance relationship with me if he truely loves me....he's been callin me for 4 days in a row now....he tells me im cute all the time but idk if he means it and he says i love you and i tell him that too....for awhile now ive been telling him i love him...he says it bck but i dnt really kno if he truely loves me, but one thing is we started out friends. wenever i asked for his friends number cuz i wana see his reactions hes always sayin no why wuld my friends want to talk too you, i feel like he get jealous some waht...cuz he said that i wouldnt talk to him much if i started to talk to his friends???? hmmmm can u tell me if he loves me more than that other he claims he also like?

Help w/ husband and mother n law?

Well I have been married to my husband for almost a year now. And every since I first started dating my husband I could tell she was very bossy! Well her and the rest of his family is so rude to me. When they have cook outs for holiday's or birthday's,are always rude and they act like they don't wnt me there. His mom is always disrespecting me, and lst night she disrespected me in my own home. And my husband always says that he talks to her about but last night she was just so rude to me and being disrepectful to my husband. My husband acts like he is scared to take up for me. But I am fed up with his family being mean and disrespectful to me. They haven't even tried to get to me. It's really aggravating, and it's hurtful that my husband sn't take up for me! What should I do?!

Should i change my story to 1st person?

It really depends on which you are better at writing in 3rd person or 1st person. Also what would the story be better in one or the other.

How big are finches? are they smaller then a parakeet or bigger?

i found a cage for my parakeet but hes at school right now but im going to bring him home and i need a cage....i found one but it says its for finches not parakeets. and in the pic it lookes like 8 finches can fit in there and still have room. should i get the cage? its at and its a boxish white cage.


yes your boyfriend will most likely go to jail! sorry to say. But if i were you I'd try and find a smarter boyfriend!!

I have a rosie red that is about 9 months old. Last night its eyes bugged out, does anyone have any ideas why?

We have had this fish for 9 months and no problems. It lives in a community tank with a mix of other fish (no new fish lately). None of the other fish seem to be having a problem, but the rosie red's eyes have not went back down to normal size. An ideas as to what may be causing this problem?

Who was the most cowardly individual in world history?

There's a long list to choose from. Hitler ,Mussolini , Saddam Hussein, Idi Amin, Malcolm X, The current Iranian president. Take your pick. I'm sure there are many , many, others.

With this new On-Star Feature, I can now cancel Theft recovery from my insurance?

WHAT IS YOUR QUESTION??????? we understand the venting and the rest of us know that if your car is so high powered and precious that it would be best for you to lock it inside a secure garage and keep it off the street --- this way we won't be subjected to your insurance company and your lousy driving that goes along with your dubious manner in which you have attacked the theft problems of our nation AND your ride .. .........<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>…

Is this is a good gaming setup?

Yes, you will be able to max most games. The exceptions being Crysis, Witcher 2, and Metro 2033. Possibly a few other new ones as well.

If god's voice is so clear for christians, why do christians seem so confused?

God's voice is not clear. the only worth mention topics are -deity if christ and -trinity. All the other topics loses ones focus

Please tell me wat you of my lyrics????????????????????????…

I dont like, it no offense. Its too short and the last line of the main riff doesn't rhyme with "hear" and it should.

Can someone tell me about a recent volcano eruption and a recent earthquake?

I need a bit of info about a volcanic eruption and an earthquake (not necessarily at the same time, same place or linked) within the last 10 years, thanks!! =P

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What's the best way to use my fireplace ashes for compost or fertilizer?

If you have any roses, then simply dump the ashes (make sure they're completely out and cold) around them and water them thoroughly. If you have a compost pile, dig them into the compost (don't just dump it on top and leave). If you don't have a compost pile or container then now is the time to start one ... they warm themselves up naturally (don't use any warm ashes, because they can start a fire) and will be perfect to fertilize everything in your gardens by spring. But do think about those roses, even if they seem dead or dieing, because roses need fertilizer especially right now, and the roses you get if you dump the ashes and water them in now will be well worth your effort.

Twin Girl Name Suggestions?

I'm having twins and really like Guinevere for a girl (gwen-ev-ere), can anyone think of a twin name if I have two girls. So they sound nice together and are equally pretty? Thanks!

Creating sentences with vocabulary?

HI! I need help coming up with sentences for these words: cryptic, cursory, dearth, debilitate, decadence, deference, deflate, delineate, demeanor, denunciation, depreciate, derogatory, desecrate, despot, deter, devious, devoid, diatribe, didactic, and diffuse. My English teacher piled my cl with a lot of homework this weekend and I'm still working on the other work. Please don't tell me to do my own homework because I am. I'm getting really exhausted just working on homework this whole weekend. Please help me. :)

Fiance and I have a huge problem? But is is about my brother?

My brother cut his back open cuz I pushed him into the fireplace and ya. But My fiance is mad at me cuz I wont call 911. I can't my mom driving home and said to wait. I'm trying to stay calm and keep my sister calm but with her yelling at me I cant and keep getting mad! And my brother is 15 and like bleeding everywhere!

Why do girls create so much dumb drama? Easy points! PLEASE ANSWER! :)?

Because some girls ARE really dumb (sry girls!) so they act mean/cool. But some girls are really truly nice so maybe you should find a real group of friends, not the kind that you have to ACT nice to :) Good luck!

How much is my stratocaster worth?

Any decent American Standard will bring $700 with a case...even if it has scratches on the body; the neck is what's most important.

Can evidence presented to the court by request be used against the person who turned over the evidence ?

I was approached by an officer of a State court in Louisiana. I was told that I would be called as a witness for the defense and sequestered from the court room. I was asked to turn over audio recordings to the court so the Prosecutor could listen to them. These audio recordings were of the alledged victim and her conspirator in the false accusation of against a juvenile. The audio recordings clearly proved that these two women were lying and had prepetrated a fraud open the court. I was never called to the stand, and the audio recordings, though listened to by the defense attorney and prosecutor were not used as evidence. The audio recordings were obtained with permission and clearly showed that a conspiracy had been implimented by these two women. Both women got right up on the stand and perjured themselves multiple times. The trial transcript and testimony from other witnesses, proves this without a doubt. The audio recordings just further made the case of fraud against the two women. By their own testimony according to court spectators, it was more than obvious that they were lying. The Judge just ignored the negative DNA test results, the pro defendant report from the Court appointed psychologist clearing the young man from being capable of such a thing. Even the fact that the alledge victim was lying on top there was no other evidence against this young man, and the Judge gave him 5 years in prison, saying that he had a gut feeling he was guilty and that he was the Judge. Well the audio recordings that I turned over under the ruse of being called as a witness and testifying to the findings of my investigation, Were used to charge me with a serious felony of witness intimidation and retaliation. The innocent young man is still in jail and the lying winches who put him there are out enjoy life and walking the streets. Welcome to Louisiana Justice! Now to point out that the defense attorney, the state investigator and the Prosecutor new this young man was innocent but still allowed the Police and Court to convict this young man, for the sake of saving the City a major lawsuit against the bigot detectives that were involved in this young man's arrest. On top of that, the audio recording of two police officers talking on the radio, was played at the trial. The audio recording mentioned that both these officers felt that they might be arresting the wrong suspect, because of the many contradicting statements of the alledged victim made to them at the scene. The arresting detective, never turned any evidence on the case, and carried the alledged victims clothing and other so called evidence that went missing, around in the trunk of his car for four months. This detective was informed just 3 days after his arrest of this young man, about the conspiracy and motive for the false accusation, he never bothered to investigate,and claimed that he had arrested the right suspect. The real criminals here are the ones who are supposed to be protecting the public, not harring the public. When this detective found out that I had gathered information of evidence of his misconduct, that is when he sent his Sheriff friends to my house to threaten me to stop my investigation. 3 months later, I was arrested by these same detectives at my home, based on the audio recordings that I turned over to the court by the request of a court officer the young man's defense attorney indigent defender who obviously not working in the best interest of this young man. The Prosecutor even called one of the Sheriff detectives to trial the same day that I turned the audio recordings over to the court. This Sheriff according to his own words, was called to court , to rebut possible testimony that I would give. However, this Sheriff detective had nothing to do with the arrest or investigation of the charges against this innocent young man. He was only there to intimidate me from testifying, but I was still willing to testify. If is more than apparent, that I was coerced by the court, to incriminate myself by turning over the audio recordings. The Prosecutor had ever intention of filing charges against me, or he would have never called the Sheriff's detective to court to listen to the audio recordings, which the Sheriff's detective sat through the purgered testimony of the alledged victim and her friend. The Sheriff and the Prosector became privy to the knowledge that this victim was indeed lying and did nothing to dismiss the false allegations against this young man. Then they both chose to come after me, for finding out that the arresting detective was indeed a liar and a bigot, who did not conduct himself in a professional and ethical manner. It is amazing how the Police and Prosecutors think that they can get away with such an outright and blantent abuse of their authority and power. All for the sake of self gratification and self promotion in the world of the law inforcement and legal system. Any comments are

I need to do a recording in my non-native language?

i would ume your native language is the first language you learned to speak fluently. so in your case it'd be spanish, with english as a second language.

How come some Democrats now don't want the Bush tax cuts to expire?

Because they want to be re-elected, they can't lie about the automatic damage it will do to our economy, and the fact they can't blame this on Bush.

Baptists, what to expect?

My advice is that if you are looking for a church then you need to examine the beliefs first and foremost. There are many churches that have a nice order of events and nice people, but worshipping God is adhering to his standards. Examine that first and don't go by mere opinions and claims of being conservative.

What weird pregnancy cravings have you had?

I am preggie for the 3rd time & this year its chocolate pop tarts! Last year it was sniffing shoe polish (i even carried a tin in my handbag!) & with my first it was salt & vinegar crisps & blackcurrant Ribena

Obama/Sotero missed an opportunity? Again!?

Obama/Sotero said he would adopt a "homeless" dog from a kennel. He then receives a dog as a gift, hmm is this another example of a lie from our "cough" Commander and Chief? He could have used this opportunity to illuminate the homeless dog issue...Once again Barry fails...

Im trying to work up the courage to ollie stair sets?

i can ollie the nastiest ledges without a second thought but when it comes to anything more then a 4 set i without thinking panic and bail in midair. any tips on how to build confidence?

What is a realllllly good prank to pull on my roommate?

A little info on my roommate.. He has a thyroid problem, diabetes, bronchitis (at the moment), hes lactose intolerant, hates rabbits and cannot deal with the sight of pickles........ any thoughts as to what i should to get him back for sticking my Sammy Sosa rookie card down the toilet?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Move in with boyfriend?!?

There is less than a month of school left which means soon I'll be graduating. Currently I am a Geriatric CNA; I love my job but for about a year now Paramedic work has interested me. Even before I met my boyfriend my plan was to stay at home for a few months to save up money. Move out on my own. Learn how to do things on my own. With my own money. Yes lol I'm very independent. My boyfriend is 27 and has never been married although he has had quite a few girlfriends. His life has always been just about him, but when him and I go shopping for groceries he's always asking what food I like and buying it just for me. Like yesterday we, well, he, was wanting to buy a Sirius radio for his truck and I told him I have XM and really like it. Wow he wanted to hear my opinion on it and what I thought he should do. It was the same way with barbeque grills, and I was like umm I don't know much about them but this one is pretty lol. He was telling me he's thinking about running for county...

Is it true that men cheat b/c they always want new p***y?

One of my friends boyfriend told her he cheats b/c he wants "new pu$$y"....Is that tru? Is that y men cheat?

Torture Scene Idea (for Novella)?

You can't really go wrong with the hands. Run your finger lightly across your palm, then run it across the back of your hand, see how sensitive the palm is? Something hot or heavy on the hand would be horrible. Break a phalanx. Pull off the fingernails with pliers or insert nails under them. But if you really want to have the person freak out, you start with something very close to them, that they cannot avoid--the eyes or the ears. Put something hot in the ears, or let some sort of pinchy little animal crawl around in the c (crab, centipede). The sight of something approaching the eye is scary as hell. I got a splinter in the eye once and had to have it drilled into, while I was awake and had to hold myself against the drill with only my free will and the knowledge that if I moved I could lose it, and it was the scariest thing of my life. But the eyes are tougher than you'd think. The optometrist was telling me, to give me some courage, that one girl came in who had burned her eye on a hair curler (had been maneuvering to curl a piece and twisted her head so the iron hit her in the eye) and it healed over night. If somebody came at me with something sharp and shiny towards my eye, I would say anything.

What is the monetary value of non-judicial stamp paper for Annexure D-name change when applying for pport?

I need to know what is the monetary value of non-judicial stamp paper for Annexure D-name change when applying for pport? Also can one type the affidavit on normal plain paper and then get that stamped, or is it essential that the affidavit be done on pre stamped paper?

What HS Senior good-bye message should I give to the Marching Band kids? shows band is important. help!!?

So I was in band as well, if you're not one to practice, but band is really important to you, just say something like "I'll miss you all and I really hope that you all enjoy the time you have in band, because it is something that you'll always remember, and this group will only be together this year.." something along those lines, just some ideas :)

How do I go out with a girl that my friends like?

There is a girl that hangs out with us when we go out on the weekend. Four of my friends like her. I also like her. I would hate to undermine friendships to get with the girl. But I really, really like her. Any advice?

Does anyone like the new trio Lady Antebellum?

I can't rave enough about them, wonderful sound, kinda reminds me of Sugarland, the harmonies, etc. Just love them

Where can I find affordable web hosting?

I personally know about three different people (friends) who offer web hosting services, but I'm not sure about giving them my money because... I hate to say it... they have no reputation, so I'm a little wary. I think I'd rather go with a reputable hosting company. Where can I find affordable web hosting companies that aren't "fly by night" companies? Thanks in advance.

Anybody interested in designing a logo for a band?

wel dear if you need the logo so you have to try logobech caz when i need it i also go them & these guy have a huge team and they are professional in his work

FANTASY: 12 team league, Team Needs Feedback?

you will be good with avg, runs,and sb but you not in hr and rbi saves is also a ?? i myself like to have at least 3 closers on my team but 4 great starters i would drop polanco and pick up either LaPorta or Wieters untill they get called up

Are the expectations in Kindergarten too high?

This really is an opinion, not a question. My son is in Kindergarten and he is really smart. He keeps up with the work, however I think the expectations are ridiculous! They are doing pre-algebra and taking Spanish. They have to sit, focus and listen all day. It's full day Kind. cl. They have recess and gym of course and go for walks, but to sit all day at that age is ridiculous. I have periodically gotten a call from his teacher saying he can't sit down at all and is out of control. He is not mean, never bullies, never hurts anyone, etc. He just jumps around and likes to be silly. Some days he just dosen't want to learn. He has waves of it. He is fine for a few weeks and then falls off. Took him to a neurologist who looked at me like I was crazy for bringing him in. I just think the expectation of the work load and sitting for so long is too high for alot of children. I am sure many fall right into place, but not all kids are the same....What are your thoughts? Just wondering with the "community" thinks

Are both Christine O'Donnell and her critics wrong on Church and State?

You posted the 1st amendment yourself. Here is a reminder of what it says. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to emble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Now let's examine that. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. Congress can't p a law that would establish a national religion. Congress also can not prevent the free exercise of any religion. Can not prevent religious practice. The debate was about whether separation was in the first amendment. It places restrictions. It does not separate. No presumption is needed. Another liberal lawyer can't read a law or doesn't care what it actually says. You don't want schools indoctrinating children in religion but it is okay by you if they indoctrinate liberalism and Darwinian theory which has not been scientifically proven. People like you call religious people haters. there has never been a more hypocritical group in the world. O'Donnell is right and her communist opponent is wrong for America.

Do you have a brother or sister who constantly steals from you?

I'm in my late 30's and my younger brother, 9 yrs younger than me, is now in his late 20's. Just when I thought he'd grown out of it, he turns around and does it again! You see, he has a history of stealing things from our family- a habit that started when he was a teenager. It's always little stuff (things he believes will go unnoticed), but I remember on one occasion in particular he went so far as to steal my wallet and checkbook. The checks were from an old bank account that was closed long before he took it, but it didn't stop him from writing fraudulent checks with them. The debt I had to pay as a result amounted to almost $600, because at the time I had no proof that he had stolen from me- and rather than paying thousands of dollars in attorney fees by going after him...I decided to take care of it myself. He admitted to it about 7 yrs after the incident, but at the time we almost got into a fist fight (I wanted to fight him, but he kept reaching into his backpack telling me not to take another step toward him as he is known to carry unregistered side arms) But that's beside the point. This guy is a natural born sticky fingered douche bag! I do love my brother, but there's something in his brain makes him abandon all regard for other people's stuff! He also thinks he's slick, BUT HE'S NOT! I guess the thing that pisses me off the most is that no matter how petty the item is that he steals, he is willing to go to blows defending his lies (when it's so ******* obvious that he's guilty!) His most recent accomplishment in stealing from me is a roll of quarters over the weekend. Petty, I know, but that's not the point! It's the fact that he just takes things without even asking. And just when I thought he'd grown out of it! It really makes me want to write him off as a family member completely. I mean how else am I to deal with this when it's been happening on and off for years and years? To steal is one thing, but to steal from the people who are going to love you no matter what just goes to show how little respect you have for people (let alone family- the ultimate betrayal). Sooner or later all of his dishonesty will come back and bite him in the *** HARD! Of this I am certain of. He's always in and out of jail for various petty crimes and one of these days he's gonna end up dead or in prison doing a long haul- if he keeps it up (and trust me- he will). Society has a way of dealing with like my brother. I guess I just want to vent my frustration about it with other people who have dealt with similar cirstances. It's not that I'm really looking for a solution, because there isn't one. It's such a shame that I can't even invite him over for a visit without tucking away any little thing of value before he shows up. I mean come on...a roll of quarters man? Really? Are you that ******* desperate? Jesus Christ!

What would you do in my situation? if you were 17?

There is this girl right we are good friends but i'm not into her more than friends so as i learned she has a crush on me i laughed but no i receive a message saying is tru from her now what? things are turning nasty... lol help me

What if you can't start a new job right away?

So I sent my resume off to this job at least a month ago. I just had an interview with them today. It's just a PT job for the weekends. The thing is I won't be able to work the first 2 weekends in April because I had prearranged vacation plans. I haven't been offered the job yet but I just hope that won't deter them from hiring me. I filled out an official application today and when it asked "when can you start" I wrote April 16th (but can train earlier). I should have written down my vacation dates but I didn't and i'm not sure when or if I should mention it to them. I haven't been offered the job, still waiting on word. Should I call the manager and let them know or should I wait to see if I get offered the job and then let them know? I really want the job and I don't want to screw it up because I can't work start right away.....I'm probably just being paranoid :-(

How much cash do players in the VFL/SANFL/WAFL make?

Just curious if anyone knew the amount of $$$ offered to state league players, and compare it to that of the AFL players

Why are the Democrats undermining Petraeus now? Why didn't they do it when he took command? What changed?

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Is there a chance that he's not interested in me anymore?

Hmm that is interesting. Maybe just confront him about it or say something along the lines of 'i feel like you are distant, did i do something wrong?' and then you can bring up this situation here and others if there are more with other girls. Don't jump into anything saying he isn't interested in you anymore, just with all of this hectic-ness going on with the moving, etc. it might just be a stressful time. Who knows? My advice is to just ask him about it. Hope things work out! :)

Help i have a 11 year old daughter who's struggling in math.?

I can not seem to find any websites that have some math printable or online activities. Does anyone have any fun ideas for math? Please help falling behind and quickly.

WWE Raw Tonight?

Shawn Michaels will stay on RAW because of his heavy schedule.... and Batista doesn't want to go to RAW

What was your favourite 2010 VMA performance?

Eminem's performance with Rhianna was really Good, justin bieber shouldn't be allowed to make music let alone perform at the vma's, and kayne west was disappointing too. :)

Is it possible that the current financial crisis is the biggest undetected terrorist attack in history?

It all started with the oil crisis, and we all know who the OPEC members are: Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela.

I have a 95 astro awd how can i tell if my injectors are going bad?

When my Chevy had gunked-up injectors (ironically right after using a injection cleaner) it wouldn't barely run at all. It will act exactly like you'd think it would: as if the engine wasn't getting much fuel. Have you tried to see if they are just gunked-up or clogged. Worked for me in the past.

Constructing a practice sword (blunt metal)?

that is a large subject. i would suggest starting with knife making magazines. they often refer to books on these kinds of subjects. you would have to make a forge and learn to hammer steel on an anvil but yes if you wanted to put in the work and study you could learn to do this

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

When i run a scan some files are not scanned properly i have vista.whts the problem do i have a virus? help!!!

u jst do 1 thing format ur pc nd use window xp ...i m nt criticising vista bt its 2 high 2 work on it

What to do with my LMB and dish now?

You can use it as a Ku receive dish for DVB-FTA signals. You should get a regular Ku LNBF and mount, to get both polarities.

Am I a 'Neo-Nazi' because I believe that Hitler himself wasn't an evil man?

Okay, I know that question sounded all kinds of horrible but hear me out! I am not a white supremacist, I am not a bigot, I am not a hate-monger. I just try to see grey in what everybody else can only see black and white, if that makes any sense at all. I know my history. I am well-educated, and not an arrogant person by any means. I know very well of what Hitler did, and yes, the actions that he made are so evil and so unspeakable that I can't even begin to describe them, but I don't believe that he was an evil person. Truly evil people know that they are evil, they acknowledge and relish in the fact that they are, and they know that they know that the actions they make are wrong, therefore that is why they make them. Adolf Hitler believed himself to be Germany's hero, and a hero in general, and didn't believe what he was doing was wrong. From what I have studied, Hitler was a case of a delusional man who was unfortunately put into a high place of power, and got much too carried away with it. I know almost all of you are going to disagree with me on this, but I just don't see him as a truly evil person. Ted Bundy and Saddam Hussein on the other hand, were entirely evil, and they knew it. Am I a Neo-Nazi for believing this? That there is more to a person than meets the human eye? Because believe me, if I had the chance, I would go back in time and make sure to kill Hitler before any of the Holocaust ever happened, but I would definitely feel like a person who was killing a dog with rabies. Simply, I feel incredibly sorry for him, and see him as being a victim of his own power, so essentially he was exactly like all of the uncountable number of Jewish people that he threw into concentration camps and treated lower than dirt.

Motion sickness and IBS?

For the car sickness there are plenty of over the counter meds that work well. As for your IBS Just broth on Thursday and you will be good to go Friday. Take along plenty of water.

Help me pick my name for singing career, need opinions??!?

Well, my real name is Veronica. I want my satage name to be Va. I am really feeling that name and I have been already using it. I just don't want it to limit me as to what type of music I can sing and where I could sing and who my audience would be. Do you think the name is more important or the talent. I have a great singing voice and a y image, but not trashy. I dance and I really get involved with the audience. my other choice is Varonika. There are too many others using Veronica.

My period went away, but I'm still a virgin?

I'm 14 and I didn't have my period for like...over 4 months. I can't remember the last time I got my period since it was so long ago. I DID NOT HAVE !! But anyway, what's caused this and what if it goes away for good? Like...early menopause or whatever?



Can anyone help me to unsuscribe fron FreeLotto on internet?

It just seems to be impossible to unsuscribe from that lotto and they still pick money each month on my bank account. Is there anyone else in this situation? Thank you for your help.

What Are Good Songs Nobody Knows About?

if you're not from england, you probably have not heard of marina and the diamonds. you may also like the pretty reckless, christina perry (you might have heard of her if you watch so you think you can dance), LIGHTS (somewhat popular in canada), sky sailing, and the freelance whales. hope i helped.

How to say "What do you expect me to do? I didn't lose your file." politely?

For an ignment i have a list of rude comments that i need to rephrase into polite terms. This one i am at a loss with though. how can i make it costumer service friendly ? :)

Could I win an essay contest with a few gramatical errors in the paper?

There is an essay contest that is sponsered by my school and the prize is $2000. Its not some national thing. After I turned the essay in, I realized that I had forgotten to fix maybe 3 or 4 grammatical errors. Do you think I could still win? One of the errors was repeating the same word twice in a row.. ughh

Bose wave and sirius receiver has a background noise. Why?

Is this from where I have it plugged in? It all works fine, but there is an annoying buzz. I have a good signal and the Bose itself is OK.

What is the product when you mix together?

Sulfuric acid and NaCl, more commonly known as table salt. I think it's either hydrochloric acid or just chloric acid and i'm not sure if i'm even right on that part. Help please.

Does this quote show irony, foreshadowing, oxymoron, comic relief or allusion?

forshadowing.. This is hinting that something bad is going to happen with someone name Juliet and "her Romeo". It isn't irony because there is no reason for you not to expect it to happen, not oxymoron, because its not contradicting itself, not comic relief because it isn't funny, and not allusion because it isn't refering to some bible or history.

Are humans the best-looking life forms in the universe? Or are God and the angels something more beautiful?

By God and angels, I'm saying, are they a different-looking species, and presumably, are they are more beautiful?

Why is my car shaking once it reaches 45-50MPH?!?

I have a 1999 Plymouth Breeze (automatic) and have noticed once I reach 45-50MPH the car begins to shake and/or grind, especially the steering wheel making it hard to handle the car while driving. Also, this is not a minor shaking or grinding this is a "Im-going-to-lose-control-of-my-car" kind. We have replaced the 2 front tires and the 2 rear tires are in good condition, but may need looked at professionally. (My husband worked at a Tire place and has a lot of experience he is saying the 2 rear tires are not causing the shaking.) I have also had brakes, rotars, brake pads, etc. replaced about 2-4 months ago. I dont know what else it could be, the cars in pretty good driveable shape other than this! It will also shake sometimes no matter what speed. Any help or ideas is greatly appreciated!

Is anyone studying Cosmetology?

Is it hard,easy... and can you be succesful with this major in the future.IS Anyone going tru this. Anyway,im a senior in high school im interested in studying cosmetology,but im having second thoughs.what if im not succesful? is it a good carrer.?do they win good money? i really love cosmetology,hair,makeup,nails, PLEASE HELP!

Should I feel betrayed and hurt by this? Is it a normal feeling? HELP ME OUT (Good Read)?

That's pretty extreme! I would be pissed as I have a good friendship with my nephew. I'd find it hard to forgive.

I have a small painfull dot on my toe, What is it.?

I have a dot on my big toe it doesn't really look like a pimple and it doesn't have any puss in it. When I press it with my finger it feels like I'm doing it with a pin. It's a bit painfull and I've had it in my toe for a few months now. I just want to know how can I get rid of it.

I am freaking torn. Please help me! i am going insane?

ok... here's my deal. i am married, seperated currently. in my seperation, i started dating another man who has proposed to me. I was all set to leave my husband... right before he left for iraq, he asked me back, hence my confusion. My husband and i have been married 5 years, we have 2 children. he is a good, solid man, good provider and like a "friend". problem? lack of pion, and lack of being "in love". i know i can trust him with my life, he takes care of me, never lies or cheats... but i am just not in love with him, its like being with my best friend. My boyfriend? is trustworthy, honest and kind, great with my kids, morally sound, will do anything for me. very much like my husband. scary alike... why cant i go with him? cuz i am scared outta my mind to make the change! i cant get to the root of it. I have asked for time. BOTH are waiting and will cont too. BOTH love me unconditionally... my boyfriend... i have pion for but i am so freaking scared of leaving what i know.

What problems do rich people have? Do you believe people just say it's worse being rich bec. they hope to find?

I do believe all people have problems, however the financial burden is nonexistant for rich people. They generally spend a great deal of time working which can cause stress, also people might try to become friends with them to get acess to their money which is a problem.

Am i testing too early?? NEED YOUR HELP?

started the pill on the 7th december and have just started my pill free week.. Had a little mishap with the pill and need to do a pregnancy test..I've just tested this morning with first response and it was negative.. was about 13 days ago.. I know im bn anxious but am just concerned.. what do you think?? THIS IS MY FIRST TIME ON THE BIRTH CONTROL PILL AND HAD BN ON 9-10 DAYS BEFORE

Can I drink tails that contain ethanol?

I live in a dry Country, my friends are in the habit of making drinks by mixing 45cl of ethanol with(99.7%) + 65cl of water and add extracts (wisky, gin, ouzo flavors...) that they import from drugstores in the UK or France. Can that harm me? Can that make me blind?

Why are hetero ual people bothered by gays?

What's it to them? Nobody wants to live under a dictatorship, yet heteroual people always try to dictate who should be with whom. I've never heard of gay people talking down on heterouals. Mind your own life.

How do I get hard water stains off my car window and windshield?

I have had a sprinkler system and hot sun hit my car for weeks. I, through research and a lot of elbow grease, have managed to get the calcium stains off my black paint, but am having problems getting the circular hard water stains off of my windows and windshield. I have tried vinger based products, CLR, newspaper buffing, and other methods. I am wary about using a #0000 pad because I am afraid that I might scratch the gl. Any thoughts and suggestions would be welcome.

UK Law on damage to equipment?

Hi Robin first thing you should do is go and see a lawyer or consult a union rep if you are in one if not i would suggest ACAS i dont know of specific law but it is not employees responsability to replace worn machinery it is a natural business expense good luck

Pleaasee helpp me (Need guys to answer especially)?

Big eyes, smooth skin, youthful appearance, and most important of all an hour-gl figure with a small waist to hip ratio and bilatteral symmetry. It was found that a women is most attractive when her hip to waist ratio is 70%.

No hot water in new apartment?

Phone landlord/letting agent or whatever and complain. Threaten withdrawal of rent until problem fixed. If there is a fault they should fix it. If you don't understand how to work the system then they have not provided adequate instructions. Either way not your fault ?